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History of Love Is... Sammi™
Year 2001: May | June

17th June 2001

It been a very long time since I have updated Love Is... Sammi™. Not that I am lazy but I've been really very busy ever since I created this site. After my ORD, I have my own university stuffs to settle, friends to catch up on; especially my old primary school friends and others, a job on hand; I'm teaching students computer software by the way, and lots of other things that require my attention. Whilst typing this, I've also other work on hand to finish.

However busy I may be, I remember making this promise to myself, that I will carry on this website no matter how occupied I am. And all these while, I've been thinking up more ideas for Love Is... Sammi™. I'm really happy to see a total of almost 300 hits on my site, and I hope it will increase as time passes. I've also received many emails from fellow fans and webmasters alike, and had read the entries in my Guestbook. I am definitely very glad to be able to make this website and all those comments do serve their part as encouragement for me to keep on improving it.

What are the changes I have done in Love Is... Sammi™ this time? I've modified the layout to create a totally new feel to it. The Home page was given a makeover and designed using tables so that visitors can see immediately what I have updated in the site. Of course, not to forget the newly updated news after so long. I'm sure even if its outdated, Sammi fans will still read them because we get different version of the news everywhere. I do hope in future I can update this section a little more regularly. Next, I have moved the previous Home page contents into the History section. Reason being I understand not a lot of people would want to read all my crap before going through Love Is... Sammi™. Thus I moved them away and in place is the new content page as I have explained above.

Apart from changes, I have also included the Downloads section. Inside, there are programs that the visitors might need to use, monthly song download, romanized lyrics for those who cannot really decipher Chinese characters and finally a monthly puzzle game for everyone!

It took me a long time before deciding if I should include the Downloads section. Firstly, I've got no ideas on what to include in it. Secondly, I have to figure out a way which visitors can navigate the page. Thirdly, I wanted games but have no idea which type. In the end, I decided on what to include and the layout of the page. Then, I though up the idea of having a jigsaw puzzle as my game and went full steam into creating this section. Lots of effort definitely went into it, so I hope visitors would give me their comments and suggestions on this section and how I can further improve it.

Lastly, this is one major update from previous others and I hope it will draw more people to visit Love Is... Sammi™. Meanwhile, I'm still in the process of trying to get my site listed on Yahoo! but so far it's been unsuccessful. If anyone got any idea how or what might have happened? Kindly let me know about it. Thanks!

Enjoy your stay here in Love Is... Sammi™!



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Any comments and queries, please email me at love-is-sammi@lycos.com